Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Rocking out

Going, going, what we were two Sundays ago. Unless you're on a boondoggle, Castle Rock is the farthest away from McMurdo you can get without being kicked off the island. We chose a perfect day with blue skies, temperatures in the 30's and a calm breeze. Castle Rock is about a 7 mile hike round trip taking you north east from McMurdo then south to Scott Base. The last mile of the trip is on the road from Scott Base back to McMurdo. There were about 9 (?) of us, some on skate skis, two on snowboards, one with skis and a kite and the rest of us were riding the footmobile. Unfortunately, we couldn't actually climb to the top of Castle Rock due to a re-route that is taking place. It should re-open this New Years weekend so I suspect we'll be heading out again soon.

Tracy, Evan and Joe...
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Hiking up to Castle Rock. Mt. Erebus in the distance...
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Castle Rock...
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Ed, Tracy, Evan, Nathan and Joe standing at the base of Castle Rock...
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My roommate Tracy and I...
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Hiking away from Castle Rock...
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You can barely see it but the bluish line at the distant ice edge is open water...
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Mt. Terra Nova on the left, Mt. Terror on the right...
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Mt. Erebus...
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Near Scott Base...
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Joe flying his kite while skiing behind it...
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