Thursday, October 26, 2006

Late Night 10.26.06

Good Morning everyone...
Normally, getting to bed by midnight would be somewhat of an early night but in just two short days I expect to experience the craziest Halloween party I've ever lived through...Although I've still never been to Madison! Spent two hours working on Halloween costumes in the paint barn and when we finally made it back I realized I had left my bag of laundry on top of a washer. Since I'm intimate with toilets on a daily basis I decided that washing my clothes was a priority over an extra hour of sleep. In the meantime, I though I would shout out a few pics.

Temperatures today were supposed to reach a high of 18 degrees Fahrenheit but I'm certain we didn't make it. Still, it was a beautiful day with clear skies and sunshine. A bit windy but who can complain, we are in Antarctica!?! The sun is now just barely dipping behind the Royal Society Range during the night but that will change in as little as two weeks. Soon the sun will continue to circle the sky without setting until February-March. It's no wonder it's so hard to go to bed at a decent hour.

The following photos are from last week when my friend Jared and I climbed Observation Hill overlooking MacTown. Town is at sea level and the top of Ob Hill rests just under 800 feet. Luckily, it was a clear day and we captured some great shots of Mt. Erebus, the southern most active volcano on the planet, just under 14,000'.

On the way up Ob Hill overlooking McMurdo Sound
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Ran into Maria and Seth who were on their way down...

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Mt. Erebus

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Top of Ob Hill. The cross is dedicated to Scott's Team who died on their way back from the South Pole in 1912.
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Overlooking McMurdo and Erebus

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View of Ice Runway

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Earlier tonight working on Halloween costumes in the Paint Barn

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