Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas in MacTown

Christmas never truly feels like Christmas unless you are with your family. However, if you can't be with your family than hopefully you've got good friends to share the holidays with.

We normally work a six day week with Sundays off, except for holidays when we are lucky enough to get two days off in a row. Saturday night was the big holiday party at the heavy shop. All of the equiptment is cleared out and the entire day is spent decorating. Each department is responsible for creating a decoration that must be at least 3'x 3'to display at the holiday party. I don't know what I was thinking but, instead of making a 3 foot by 3 foot card board cut out of a Chritmas tree or a candy cane or something easy like that, I suggested that we build a giant, life sized version of Candy Land and call it MACLAND!
Well, it did prove to be more work than we had expected but it was by far the best decoration at the party. To play the game you could chose to either use yourself as the playing piece or chose one of four bigger than lifesized penguins made out of tri-wall cardboard...check it out.

Setting up the board...
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Finishing touches...
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Later at the party...
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The party started at 7:30 that night. Good times and great friends.

Tracy, myself, Leah and Alison...
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The two in the back left making the funny faces are Tracy and Addie, both my roommates and both from Wisconsin (however, Tracy now lives in Juneau, Alaska and Addie is going to school in Denver to become a baker), in the back right is Laura who was back at McMurdo for the weekend. She came to McMurdo with us but then got offered a job at the South Pole over the winter as "thee" engineer. In front, Leah, Alison and me!
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Two days later...the only picture I have on Christmas day is of us drinking mimosas before brunch. Left to right...Tracy, Leah, Alison, Me and Etosha...
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Rocking out

Going, going, what we were two Sundays ago. Unless you're on a boondoggle, Castle Rock is the farthest away from McMurdo you can get without being kicked off the island. We chose a perfect day with blue skies, temperatures in the 30's and a calm breeze. Castle Rock is about a 7 mile hike round trip taking you north east from McMurdo then south to Scott Base. The last mile of the trip is on the road from Scott Base back to McMurdo. There were about 9 (?) of us, some on skate skis, two on snowboards, one with skis and a kite and the rest of us were riding the footmobile. Unfortunately, we couldn't actually climb to the top of Castle Rock due to a re-route that is taking place. It should re-open this New Years weekend so I suspect we'll be heading out again soon.

Tracy, Evan and Joe...
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Hiking up to Castle Rock. Mt. Erebus in the distance...
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Castle Rock...
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Ed, Tracy, Evan, Nathan and Joe standing at the base of Castle Rock...
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My roommate Tracy and I...
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Hiking away from Castle Rock...
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You can barely see it but the bluish line at the distant ice edge is open water...
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Mt. Terra Nova on the left, Mt. Terror on the right...
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Mt. Erebus...
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Near Scott Base...
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Joe flying his kite while skiing behind it...
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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Cape Royd

The wonderful thing about being a janitor in Antarctica is that you are very appreciated. Last week I was lucky enough to get invited out on a boondoggle with some of the Crary Lab staff to Cape Royd. Cape Royd is the home of a 2,000 Adelie penguin colony also known to MacTowners as the "boondoggle to end all boondoggles," other than a trip to the Pole or if you have an amazing job that takes you off base regularly. A "Boondoggle" is any trip that takes you out of town whether it's to a certain destination or just a helo ride. I say helo ride like it's no big deal...I would give my big red for a helo ride over the Trans-Antarctics.

We left after work at 6:30 with two Pisten Bullies, one towing a "tomatoe."

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The week before, one of the science groups went out to Cape Royds and spent 18 hours melting a hole in the ice in order to dive and recover a current meter that was placed in the ocean the summer before. Usually the dive holes are drilled but because Cape Royd is a two hour Pisten Bully ride they decided to melt the hole instead of dragging the drill out to do the job. The reason for last week's trip was to place the current meter back under the ice. A "tomatoe" serves as a mobile dive shack that you can pull over any dive hole. Think of it as an Airstream on skis, or for Mo, Chloe and I, a home on skis.

After stopping at the Barne Glacier, we arrived at Cape Royd around 9pm (I have pics of Barne posted from an earlier trip). Cape Royd is also the site of Ernest Shackleton's hut, errected in February of 1908 during his attempt to claim the Pole. Here's a picture of Shackleton's Hut with Mt. Erebus in the background.

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Cape Royd penguin colony...
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And here's some shots looking out over the sea ice. I thought that when we visited Cape Royd that we would actually be able to see the ocean but the sea ice hasn't gone out yet.

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As fun as this blogging stuff is, it is also very time that's all for now. Enjoy the photos. Cheers.